Wednesday, July 24, 2013

GoPro HERO 3: Black Edition ... The Video


  1. Cool Vid. It is kind of scary to think in the middle of nowhere, filming is happening.

  2. Supi, vary scarey as Dracula would say.

  3. That was awesome Odie. Scary in lots of places, but awesome nonetheless.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  4. Those were great, especially the underwater shots. Made me really miss my days of diving in the Gulf--damn those were good times.

  5. Aw maaaan... now I gotta get me one of those things!

    (...'course I don't know how much action footage I'm gonna get from this recliner.)

  6. Marine, this old man has been looking at them too.

  7. Technology keeps amazing me. Those mermaids were nice too.


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