Monday, May 6, 2013

I Think This Is A Great Addition To Yesterday's Post

These are my sentiments exactly! Sometimes this
Vietnam Vet just doesn't think the word hate is
strong enough, though.

This was stolen from Lee at Facebook.
Here's his blog (LINK)


  1. Randy, a number of years ago she thought GI's hate for her had gone on long enough and asked us to forgive her. She took about thirty years for that. It's going to take at least that long for me ... or most likely never.

  2. Screw Jane Fonda and her lying commie a$$. She should have stayed in Nam and never been allowed back in this country. I have no use for bitches like her. We should have bombed all the dykes in North Vietnam starting with her.

  3. Amen to this. I wouldn't pay a dime to see anything that evil b**ch made.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  4. I wouldn't take the trouble to cross a street and piss on her if she burst into flame. She's got her money, got her fame, got a supply of clueless young studs to service her skanky butt. She needs to just STFU and go away.

  5. I believe the word is traitor and she had plenty of witnesses.

  6. Sandee, you have my permission to spell out "bitch" here to describe her.

  7. Subvet, tell us how you really feel.

  8. It will be a happy day when she finally keels over and goes to hell.

  9. Madhat, I hope I out live her so I can dance on her grave.

  10. I disagree with Subvet, I would cross that street and piss on her. I just wouldn't want to look back in time, and say that I had a chance to piss on her, and passed it up...

  11. Race, I completely understand. Do you think she ever will?

  12. I HATE IT that Hanoi Jane didn't take one of my .50 cal rounds... RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES!

  13. Shooting is too good for that traitor...

  14. Marine, did you shoot into the north?

  15. Velcro, it's too bad that gun she was sitting on wasn't a target.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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