Sunday, May 5, 2013

Every So Often, An Email Says It Best !

And here we have the perfect poster that should be on 
billboards on every road leading into New York, 
Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco, LA and Hollywood!

What an awesome poster… please pass it on!


  1. I would really hate to be in the service now, knowing that I may take a bullet (or worse) for scumbags like him and Bathhouse Barry. No problem there, though. I wouldn't still be in the service, the way it is today.

  2. A broken clock is right twice a day. Bloomberg has yet to live up to that standard.

  3. LL - good one!!

    Bloomberg is such a disgusting little weenie worm. Do you suppose his weenie matches his height? Could be the reason for his control issues.

    And what does it say about the limp-wristed soy-latte drinkers that actually voted for the little creep?

    I hate libtards!

  4. How does someone with so little sense become a billionaire? I've seen similar posters but this is by far the best---stealing!

  5. Bwahahahahahaha. Oh wait, why am I laughing.

    I think many on the left are mentally ill. Seriously mentally ill.

    This is so good I added your link to my Silly Sunday post.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. Sad but true. But then that can be said about a lot of people. I spent 10 years in and went to college after. One of my professors was a Hippy and no I don't mean an ex-hippy.. She had the nerve to question my military service. The next day this same hippy dippy woman had a red light ticket photo posted on her office door... she saw me looking at it and commented "That makes me so mad ...if I had known it was there I wouldn't have done it!" YEP these are the people the military risk their lives to protect!

  7. Marine, the boy king is running a muck.

  8. Adrienne, something on that boy is limp ... use you imagination.

  9. Sandee, thank you, I hadn't been there yet.

  10. April Sargent, It's fun to rattle a hippie's cage, huh.

  11. Nanny Bloomberg is an idiot. Not only is he wrong about guns, but he wouldn't trust these young heroes with Big Gulps!

  12. Cube, big gulps rule. Power to the thirsty.


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