Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Trip to the Hospital

A recent article in the Kentucky Post reported that a woman has sued St. Luke's Hospital, saying that after her husband was treated there recently, he had lost all interest in sex.

A hospital spokesman replied, "Mr. Woosterman was actually admitted in Ophthalmology - all we did was correct his eyesight..."


  1. Love the picture of Molly. I know Bunni had found a wonderful home for her when the time came.

    Glad you got your eyes fixed. My sympathies to your wife (you old dog, you!!) heh

  2. She was a wonderful lady. I will miss her.

    When I first got this, it wasn't about me. But, the old Woodsterdude couldn't help himself.

  3. Apparently Mrs. Woosterman needs eye surgery also - she didn't see that one coming.

  4. Bwahahahahahahaha. Yes, I can see this happening.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  5. Phew! Boy are you in trouble. Good luck with this one.

  6. Sandee, watch out for them eye doctors.

  7. We have a spare doghouse here, if you need it.

  8. I took that picture of Molly on the last day of my visit to the Bunni Hutch, Odie, I swear the little darling posed for it.

    I know that Molly already really likes Bunni's good friend who is now looking after her - I'd have taken Molly myself in a heartbeat if I could but it just wasn't possible.

    I'm walking around in a daze, mate. Even though we all knew it was coming, it was still a real shock to lose Bunni so suddenly.

  9. I understand they can stimulate your eye pupil to 10 times its normal size. Is there anything they can do about.......?

  10. Edutcher, Post your address here and I'll be right over.

  11. Spidey, She suffered a bit, but was lucky toward the end. We're all going to miss the babe.

  12. Ron, yes they can. They prescribe a blog called "Guns and Bikinis". It's on my sidebar for anyone that's confused.

  13. Ouch!

    Are you sleeping in the dog house now, Odie?

  14. Hold.



    Did Bunni pass away?


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