Wednesday, November 7, 2012

You Can Knock Me Over With A Feather . . .

Well ladies and germs, where does one begin? I witnessed
this country's citizens speaking their minds yesterday. They
didn't care for the way this country was designed by it's 
founders but rather wanted something resembling a third 
world European type socialist state.

The lack of teaching history in our schools has paid off. A
news media that felt it was more important to sway public
opinion then to inform them paid off. A government that 
promised free stuff paid off. 

I listened to the news media (or what's left of them) last night
explain to me (part of the ignorant masses) that there were just
not enough rich in this country to give Romney a win. That to
to me explained exactly how bad it really is. 

The worse part of this whole thing is I walk every morning with
a real liberal nut. He is a walking example of someone that has
been indoctrinated by the MSM. He and his wife call themselves 
fiscal conservatives and social liberals. They get their information
from the Sunday morning talk shows. Thank goodness he's doing
something this morning and I won't see him today.

But still worse yet is I don't think my Son or my
Grandson will ever know what I or all the other millions fought
for these 236 years. I'll just be putzing around today thinking of
where my financial planning goes from here. Wink wink, nod nod
the fight ain't over just yet.

God Bless The United States of America ... 
or do the libs want to change the name too?
Say good night Gracie . . .  

Question: In 50 years, will there be anyone left, who knows
how it worked, to put it back the way it was? 


  1. John, to say the least. I'm glad my father wasn't here to see this.

  2. Kind of like the childhood story of "Humpty Dumpty" in that we can never put it back together again.
    What a mess we have become!

  3. Question: In 50 years, will there be anyone left, who knows
    how it worked, to put it back the way it was?

    There won't be anyone left in the next 20 years.

    When free abortions and birth control, homosexual "marriage", and smoking dope are the most important things to people this is what you get.

  4. Scooney, We'll be watching unfold before our eyes I'm afraid.

  5. Yep, it was something wasn't it? Another four years of nothing. Just like the last four years. Oh wait, no jobs, peoples savings gone, people losing their homes left and right, and the list goes on and on.

    God help us Odie. :)

  6. Odie, I'm in shock too. I hoped for better from our countrymen. Some areas did well. I'm proud of Missouri for voting against Obama. Texas made a good show. CA sucks!

  7. Opie, I have not had the heart to go through all of the results yet. All I know is the indoctrination process is about over. Maybe the libs will sleep now and we can sneak up on them.

  8. We have reached the tipping point and have gone over the cliff.

    Good night Gracie.

  9. I couldn't help but think of this after reading your post, Odie:

  10. A literal Greek Tragedy of epic proportions here at home.

  11. Brooke, thanks for the link. American Exceptionalism has been replaced by American mediocrity.

  12. Admiral, stand by more to come I'm sure.

  13. I guess that Romney didn't give away cellphones and that hurt him

  14. Darth, Thanks I needed that laugh.

    The new fight begins today!

  15. O's pal, William Ayers, and his friends at Columbia dumbed down education for a reason.

    How many people under 40 would understand when I say, Weimar Republic, here we come?

    PS FWIW, I think they got this one the way they did in 1960, but this time made the whole country Chicago.

  16. Obama's reelection is not a surprise. All liberals have to do to win is to maintain the status quo to descend into the abyss. Then they'll offer themselves as the "saviors" when the world falls apart. It's the age old routine of power mongers.

  17. Just think four more years of it is Bush's fault.and Obama inherited a mess

  18. I'm damned depressed! Romney's defeat blindsided me. I am going to get some sleep. Nothing much now for me to stay awake! At least, for a while.

  19. Euripides, we know we're there when they ask us to bow at their feet.

  20. Mr, we're going to over come these libs. You stay close to your beliefs and trust in our founders dream.

  21. Hats off to you, Odie for having the strength to write. I am just sick. As the bottom picture shows, it's not just that politicians with crazy ideas are running the country, it's that the country is full of idiots who have no idea what they just did.

  22. Velcro, we'll get past this and bring knowledge to a lost populist.

  23. It does come down to education. When you fear sending your children to the schools (including the leading colleges) because of the 'theory' that they teach and the 'reality' that they ignore...its a sad day.

    How about Oklahoma, and Idaho, and those states that are looking at the rest of us like, "What the hell is going on over there?!"

  24. Race, I live in the "Lost Zone", where there is absolutely no hope. The voters in this state just voted to raise their taxes for the "Schools". That's not quite right. The less fortunate voted to raise the taxes of the "Rich". I refer to the California Voters as mob rule. My liberal neighbor doesn't quite know what I mean. I just tell him to wait until they vote to tax something he likes.

  25. Very true Odie, very true. But us old farts have to keep trying. Quiting has never been an option with us.

  26. Don't it make you feel al "progressive" and "forward" thinking inside...sic...yeah me too. Heads up Odie...It can always get worse...and probably will!

  27. Ron, wink, wink, nod, nod It ain't over til it's over.

  28. Scott, batten down the hatches, for it will get worse before it gets better. It will take awhile before the uniformed see what they've done.

  29. Right on that, Odie.

    The only fun is going to be watching all the lotus eaters cry when they find out paradise is going to be a little later coming than the Messiah promised them.

  30. Edutcher, I can't wait until all the liberals will realize they all can't fit at the table of the elite.

  31. I admit that I'm down in the dumps right now.

    But I must pick myself, dust myself off, and get back in the race. ("That's Life")

  32. AOW, pick yourself up then kick some ass.


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