Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

 Tan Lines from the oven.
 Topless Hen.
 Walking a la natural
 Mooselimb Turkey
 A party turkey after having too much to drink.
Here's looking at you kid.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the staff at Woodsterman!


  1. What a hilarious Thanksgiving post!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and the missus, Odie!

  2. AOW, thank you Ma'am, and you and the Mister have fun down the street.

  3. Those first few photos have ruined my craving for turkey. I'll just have to go and choke a chicken or something...

  4. I'm still eating turkey today. I love the shots though.

    You and yours have a very happy Thanksgiving Odie. :)

  5. Sandee, You and the Mister have a great Thanksgiving.

  6. Odie, I should have waited until after eating my turkey, lol! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  7. I hope you and yours are having a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  8. Woodsterman has a staff?

    At your age?

    I'm sure Mrs Odie is Thankful.

    PS Have a great weekend and do eat too much.

  9. Edutcher, I've been saying "staff" for years and you're the first to say anything. You don't think I could put this wonderful blog together on my own do you.

    Happy Thanksgiving my friend. It's tradition I eat too much.

  10. Thank you Rick. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

  11. Odie! Happy THanksgiving!
    THis was the funniest and most delightful post of
    the day! gobble gobble! That turkey should wear a bra, ha ha!

  12. I always wondered why breasts were white and not dark meat.

  13. Velcro, Another teaching moment here at Woodsterman.

  14. That turkey crossing the sidewalk is a gay gobbble---cook him! Those all great!

  15. Ron, we don't want to eat a gay turkey, do we.


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