Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Way We Live

 Grab a cup of coffee
 Dine out at your favorite restaurant
 Spend some time at the museum
Meet at a popular diner
 Relax at the beach
 Go to a game
 Going out on a date
Take a drive around town

Thank God I belong to another generation  !!!!

Thanks David !


  1. For the youth of today that is quite accurate. Thank God I am OLD!

  2. Geez, tell that to my husband. ;)

  3. Randy, I have to admit my iPhone has opened a whole new world for me ... right down to swiping credit cards with it.

  4. Brooke, I have to side with your husband ... forgive me?

  5. As long as he's not texting while driving like the ditz in the last pic...

  6. Is it OK if I don't live like that?

  7. They sure cause a lot of accidents. Some of them die in those accidents. I would much rather be old than to do that all day. Good God.

    I figured you'd feature the God and Israel thingy today. That was a pitiful moment.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  8. Brooke, there is safety and manners to consider.

  9. Sandee, when it comes to Democrat conventions, I always take other peoples word for what went on.

  10. As always, it's not technology that is bad, it's the misuse of technology (or anything, for that matter) that is the problem.

    Swiping credit cards, GPS, and all the other things these devices can do to save us time and money are good.

    Using them to avoid talking to a real person or your family seated right next to you is perverse.

    I see the kids at the library after school playing games on the computers when they could be outside playing baseball or any number of things. Is it any wonder you can't have an actual conversation with these kids?

    I think some of those pictures are about the saddest thing I've ever seen.

  11. Sad pictures indeed! Pretty soon the younger generation will forget how to have a normal conversation.
    I'm already seeing the signs of it.
    Yes, glad I'm an old geezer too!

  12. Adrienne, Get outside and play baseball, huh.

  13. Scooney, I'm an old guy with tech savoy that has manners.

  14. Can kids today exist with their own thoughts?

    Their own solitude?


    PS The Blonde calls being attached to your phone like that "Soap on a Rope".

    Very apt.

  15. Boy isn't that the truth?! Besides "sexting", do you suppose that one day "there will be an app for that?"

  16. Velcro, I sure hope so. My arms get tired of "typing".

  17. I said the same thing - I can't have a meeting, a briefing, without MULTIPLE phones coming out. But...I find myself doing the same. I can't walk from my office to the car without checking - its waisted time - what if somebody had a question, or bit of news, that was so important, they couldn't call, and they had to text it!

    I know there exists a device that jams the signal, problem is it shuts down the whole cell tower, but maybe something you could put in your pocket, that would jam for a certain radius....but then, maybe, they would just get up and leave?

  18. Race, meeting should be off limits for cell phones.

  19. Simple is good. The yutes today can't even seem to form a cogient sentance. Communication skills?...Baaa Baaa.

  20. These people are missing out on life!

  21. Admiral, I don't. I know him all to well.

  22. MR, they got out early for good behavior.


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