Wednesday, September 12, 2012

In Case You're Feeling Ugly

I feel better about myself, how about you.

Thanks Nominedeus (LINK)


  1. I think i saw the third one working as a polisher in a copper tubing factory...

  2. Dang, I don't feel so bad, now. :)

  3. Hey, at least these people celebrate their, er, uniqueness.

  4. Velcro, it's the shiniest tubing in town.

  5. Every morning I can safely say to myself in the mirror, you good looking son of a gun, don't you ever die!

  6. Dang...I'm smoking hot Odie, but I already knew that. That's just...well gross.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  7. I think that last guy took my US History class last semester....

  8. If ya average out the first two, it'd be just about the right size.

  9. And you didn't even have to go to Walmart to find this crew. Yikes!

  10. The sad part is the first one is how some women think they're supposed to look.

    Some guys wanting them to look like that is even worse.

  11. Sandee, I thought you would be beautiful.

  12. Euripides, I always had the impression all of your students look like that.

  13. Inno, you surprised me. I thought you'd want to add the two together.

  14. Lady, they're everywhere and I take great pride in bringing them to you.

  15. If those first two could just split the difference you might have something. It must have been a windless day at the beach when that first photo was snapped.

  16. That last one illustrates the dangers of playing goalie position in hockey. Your face gets all pucked up...

  17. That first photo is proof positive that you CAN be too thin. The woman is a walking cadaver!

  18. The lady in the top photo is clearly very unwell. How disgusting that you should mock her. I hope no-one you love ever suffers like this. The cruelty and lack of empathy from conservative "people" who claim to be "Christian" never ceases to amaze me.


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