Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bigger is Better? ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style


  1. I'd like to know what their exercise routine is (no smart remarks please). They clearly take great care about staying in shape.

  2. Opie, I have none to give you. You are one of the women in this world I truly admire. How you can look so beautiful and fit after six children ... you're a wonder.

  3. To Opus...Exercise routine? They don't need much at that age. I pretty much looked that hot back in the day. Then gravity took over and you know the rest of the story.

    Oh to go back to my youth for a bit. I'd sure appreciate it a lot more than I did back then. That old hindsight thing.

    Have a terrific day Odie. See I can comment now. Thanks. :)

  4. Well Sandee, I guess I need to let google know there's a problem commenting in the drop down windows ... El Crappo!

  5. Reminds me of the story of Lady Godiva riding sidesaddle through Coventry. The people were lined up in the fields north and south of the rad, watching her ride past naked, and each crowd yelled, "Hooray for our side!".

    Seriously, the rear view was certainly the best, although it's too bad there wasn't more to see.

  6. They might as well just been naked. Great lookers but little left to the imignation.

  7. Those girls were a tad shortchanged below the waist.


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