Monday, April 2, 2012

Tidbits . . .

Thanks Dan !
Thanks Lee (LINK)


  1. I'm loving that last pic! Do I get my own card?

  2. Funny Stuff, Odie.
    I hope your snow melts soon.

  3. Did you post that from the hospital?

  4. The first one will put you in the doghouse for sure!

  5. Brooke, I'm sure Lee would love you to spread it around.

  6. Bunni, as we speak it's going fast. It's almost gone. It's suppose to hit 52 today ... that will take care of it.

  7. Randy, that's where all of us big mouths post from.

  8. Scooney, as Randy suspected it was the hospital.

  9. Love both of them and I'm pretty sure I'm on the president's enemy list. Pretty sure.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  10. Sandee, I really hope and expect to be on that list.

  11. Those are both great, I'll stealing the last one for Obama Cartoons. That top one reminds me of the a time shortly after I married Barbara---I was 42 then and had told her about my many trips to Mexico with the guys. She asked if she could go on my next trip. I replied, "Baby that's too nice a place to take your wife or girl friend, it would be like taking a ham sandwich to a smorgasbord". Needless to say she never forgot that wise crack.

  12. I saw the last one on "TOONS". Love to me a proud member as well Odie...You go get 'em boy!!!

    I told my wife my whole history before we married...Suffered the consequenses and lived a great unhampered relationship afterwards...The truth hurts but it will set you free!

  13. They ought to offer the last one in a 20x18 on heavy vellum suitable for framing or nailing to one's front door.

    Because you know Zero already has everybody's number.

  14. Ron ... "And that's when the fight started"

  15. Scott, me and the Mrs. Woodsterman have suffered through the truth as well.

  16. edutcher, I'll see if we can Lee on that. We're all on that list ... AND PROUD OF IT!

  17. Stopsign .... As Jean luke Picard would say, "Make it so."


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