Wednesday, April 11, 2012

They're Back .... Wallyworld Munchkins III

 Ever wondered what happened to Bozo the Clown? Wonder no more.

 To all you kids out there with tats and piercings; this is you in 40 years!
 Speechless ?
 Pink looks good on Bill. Especially with the black skirt! Wait, is that a bra?
Please tell me Aunt Harriet is sleep walking again.

Thank You Stopsign (LINK)


  1. Oh my...Damn California Walmarts.

  2. I don't see why liberals are so against WalMart---they should love this. On a side note. Was working out of the cooperate head quarters in Bentonville, AR and travels around the country helping open new distribution centers and spent a year in Porterville when that center opened. Rural CA is much like rural MS. Was surprised the folks in the valley thought like me. Never heard so much country music from the radio stations there.

  3. I'm a republican and I am against WalMart. Here you have to speak Spanish (Central California) as the illegal aliens have taken over this area completely. I don't know what's worse. Just saying.

    I've not been in a WalMart in years. Don't plan on ever going either. Weirdos galore, but living in a libtard state anything goes.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  4. Ron, semi here too. We're rural, with a very large Bay Area influence I'm afraid. But we have 4 Walmarts down the hill in Reno.

  5. Sandee, we share the same Libtard state, but Reno Walmarts are cool ... and I add color.

  6. Wal-Mart: always low prices, always low standards

  7. I like Wal-Mart for the low prices. I think even Bozo the clown dressed better than that - polka dots and stripes? Oh my...

  8. Not only is that guy wearing a bra, he's wearing matching pink socks.

  9. How come my Walmart isn't this exciting? This'd be worth signing up as a greeter! But then I'd probably get fired for my welcoming comments...
    "How'd the clown tryouts go?"
    "Need any help with that wedgie, ma'am?"
    "Well sir, I wouldn't know if your wife was a fire hazard or not, but I can ask the manager if you'd like?"

  10. Madhat, but it's the place to be seen if you're somebody.

  11. Velcro, carry a mirror and a fire extinguisher and you'll do great.

  12. My oldest daughter manages a Walmart in Duboise, PA so I am somewhat biased on the corporate level. As for the clientelle...I cannot deny that the brain-dead tend to gather there in droves.

    I see that their quality and selection of "Aislewalkers" (pic 3) has fallen off considerably however.

  13. Scott, when you and I visit Walmart, we are referred to as local color.


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