Thursday, April 5, 2012

They're Back .... Wallyworld Munchkins

 Momma told me it was sexy to show a little cleavage!

 The 1980s glasses, the giant pearls, the fake eyebrows and the Three Stooges haircut; it works for me.
 What? Jr. was hungry and I didnt want to lose my place in line!
 I'm not sure a zebra purse is going out with style
Pick a fold, any fold.

Thank You Stopsign (LINK)


  1. What's wrong with the Baconator?

    Also, sexy and a little seems to be lost on #1. And underwire.

  2. Brooke, Nothing with bacon is bad, butt don't wear it on your ass.

  3. No bacon on your butt? Frigging classic Odie.

  4. Ive heard of green shoppers bringing their own bags, but c'mon!

  5. Pearl lady near the gate brought flashbacks of the old (very old) show 'Prisoner Cell Block H'.

  6. DaBlade, it's a bag a minute business.

  7. Christopher, I'll have to take your word for that one, butt those are some sexy eyebrows huh.

  8. The first one made me blind. Totally. Good God cover that mess up.

    The second one just goes to show you that when your eyesight goes bad forgo the makeup. The glasses? No comment.

    Thanks for making me barf Odie. Bwahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  9. Girl got Butt. That was in some song back in the early '90's I believe. Big butts use to be in style before so much TV and Bulima became the fade. I love my fried food and screw those run-way models.

  10. Ron, so what you're trying to tell us that these are really babes?

  11. Ye, gods! That first photo is frightening.

    What the hell is wrong with women like that -- that they don't cover up the ugliness? Sheesh.

  12. Zebra plus bacon. What a combo! This is a prime example of what not to wear if you want to go out in style.

  13. Teresa, what ever do you mean? These babes are all in style


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