Monday, December 19, 2011

Parting Shots For A Monday

 YUM !
OK, now I'll place it here . . .
Good News! Donations are up!
You gotta love those Maniacs
This actually happened with some guys from Maine. 
They dressed the truck up with the guy dummy spread eagle on the roof of the truck. The driver and passengers put on Moose Heads. Down the Maine Toll interstate they went causing about 16 accidents. They went to jail.
(some cops have no sense of humor)
 Thanks Dan !


  1. Those were very funny, Oide. Thx for starting off our Monday with a laugh!

    The 4 kitties at the top look kind of mangy, Kittehkins would never stalk a birdie out the window looking like that. She sits pretty in her santa hat ;-)

  2. That Presidential Library has Picture Of The Day written all over it...

  3. The cat and dog pictures are cut. Gotta love the Maniacs. I can see the library required no shovel job. Fitting.

  4. I would make a personal donation at that library! ;)

  5. Bunni, you two set a very fine example for bird watchers everywhere.

  6. Brooke, Send your check to Obama's Pump Ready Jobs, The Mob, Chicago, Ill.

  7. The Obama presidential library is hilarious. Moosehead maniacs is very creative and funny. I guess that could be distracting to drivers.

  8. The pigeons are just about ready to be served.

    And when you are done donating just push it over the edge.

    Department of public safety has no sense of humor.

  9. Teresa, not as much as it would be to hunters.

  10. Admiral, that library is great for reading, but don't visiting when it's time to go over the edge.

  11. Mainians (Or is it Mainites?) do some quirky things. They also have some strange speech patterns. I wonder why that is.

    Love the kitties picture! Our cats sometimes line up at the window to see the chipmunks and squirrels -- especially when I toss out some peanuts to those varmints.

  12. Great post. A happy way to start the week.

  13. That looks like my Thunder Cat on the right ready to leap. However he has realized now that he is too old and fat to chase the prey. So for him bird watching is much easier and more satisfying than bird CATCHING. Something like girl watching!

  14. Oh, don't get me wrong...I've caught my share but then you better turn 'em loose!

  15. Great way to start my week after my "trip from Hell."

    Love the moose truck...

  16. I'm running a Day late~Happy Tuesday.

  17. Scotty, wrong? I just like to tweak my friends.

  18. Stopsign, if you're running a day late then don't you mean "Happy Monday".

  19. Cops never, never have a sense of humor---wonder if the "Mooseheads" were PETA supporters, ha!

  20. We be on the same page my good usual.

  21. Scott, it's great when a plan comes together.

  22. Where does one get a wearable moose head?


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