Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Let Your Graffiti Shine III


  1. Those are some pretty awesome hacked IRL!

  2. That first one looks like my sidewalk (without the canal)...been in my neighborhood lately?

  3. Some of these took some time to make.

  4. Supi, yes they did. I'll bet if they were in Detroit or Chicago the artists got paid by the cities.

  5. Those are really good and that top one could cause accidents---I would drive around it.

  6. The top one looks like it is dangerous. But, then again, looks are deceiving.

    Cool pics!

  7. Stopsign, are you sure you're not a pilot?

  8. It is sad what has been done to our historic buildings and our legacy handed down by the stone masons and old skool carpenters.


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