Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Greatest Card Trick Ever


  1. Should put that dude in as head of the fed, he obviously knows a house of cards when he sees one. That was cool Odie, damn cool!

  2. Supi, I don't blame you. He's always right.

  3. Card tricks have always interested me---how do they do it. I must say, however, that the biggest trickester of them all is living at 1600 PA ave. That aside, how in the hell did that guy do it?????

  4. Great trick, sadly that would get the trickster fined for littering here in England.

    Really, there was recent case when a Police Community Support Officer (ie cheapo pretend policeman) issued an on the spot fine to a street magician who 'littered' the pavement (sidewalk) with some of his paraphernalia despite it being obvious that he would retrieve it and despite the audience howling at said PCSO to "get a life".

  5. Get outta here...that was great.

    banned: Every time you tell us about what goes on over in the UK, I just shake my head and wonder how long before it comes to the US.

  6. Ron, I think the camera might do it, but I'm still hoping.

  7. Banned, Next time that officer needs to be locked in someones trunk.

  8. Lady, I'm afraid it's closer than we think.

  9. That was so cool! Awesome stuff!


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