Friday, November 25, 2011

Shopping Tips For The Ladies

On this busiest of shopping days, ladies, here is
some help in getting your moneys worth. Buy
more fabric.

The Ladies and I thank you David.


  1. Some people need more fabric that others! Some should wear lots of fabric over their heads, so we don't have to look at them.

    Thanks for the shopping tips, Odie.

  2. Slingshots for some...Some not so much.

  3. I'm staying way clear of the stores today!

  4. Shopping tips, huh? Maybe you will get linked in Ladies Home Journal this weekend.

  5. I just watched a vid of a bunch of women fighting over something or another (two dollar waffle maker?) and one woman looked a lot like a plumber from the back - if you catch my meaning. It was waaaaaaaaaaaaay more than I wanted to see. At the end of the vid it appeared she might me wearing a thong. Really?? Seventy-five pounds overweight, wearing polyester spandex pants and a THONG. Lady - you don't need a waffle maker.

  6. Oh - and thongs are filthy nasty disease spreading uncomfortable things to be wearing. Just sayn'...

  7. Adrienne, parts is parts and pieces is pieces. Plumbers know their butt floss.

  8. Wow Adrienne, tell us how you really feel.

  9. I'm NOT shopping today..Did you hear about the pepper spray lady in CA? People are CRAZY.

    liked the video~Guess now I'll have to go out to get me some Granny panties. :)

  10. Stopsign, be a pro and do what you think best. It was WalMart you know.

  11. On nobama 2012do you know why it is better to be a dem.rather than a rep.because who ever heard of a good piece of elephant.


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