Saturday, November 19, 2011

D'oh! Forgot The Photos . . . .

Our get together yesterday was GREAT, but oh so short.
As I suspected there were 5 of us. Two beautiful ladies,
Opus#6 (Opie to me @ *American Perspective*) and 
Allison (@ A Daily Laugh). Rounding up the rear (or butt)
were LL (@ Virtual Mirage), TWP (@ The War Planner),
and me Odie (@ Woodsterman). Please refer to yesterdays
post for the links. 

A few of us had commitments that had to be met, so time 
was so very short. The time was so high on our minds that 
we were all photo capable, with 4 iPhones and another 
camera in a phone, but plum forgot. If you wish to see
this motley crew, check last years post at this time.

You would think after looking forward to this for a year,
we'd have our S**t together. There's always next year. The
old Woodsterman heads home tomorrow after almost a week
in la la land. I'm always reminded why I left 32 years ago.
I might have to drive through a snow storm to get home, but
it is so worth it.


  1. I'm glad you had a great time, and stay safe on that drive home!

    Is that a rubber dog?

  2. It is hard to remember the camera when you are around great people and conversation.

  3. Too bad I didn't know about this. I'm only 30 minutes away from Buena Park. Not much has changed other than the regulations here in CA. Hope you got out with your wallet..

  4. Dang I was wanting to see pictures :-)

    Be Careful on your way home.

  5. That sounds like so much fun!
    I wish I could have been there. Glad you made it out of la la land in one piece. I hope you don't get stuck in the snow storm, Odie!

  6. Drive safe, Odie. We will just have to try again next year. We'll have a bigger group if Bushwack makes it.

  7. Supi, we're like a bunch of nuts in a can ... or was that me?

  8. Brooke, I'm writing this from home. After driving 8 hours I got to clean snow from the driveway.

    I believe that is a real dog.

  9. Bushwack, Sorry we missed you. Put your reservation in for next year.

  10. Stopsign, we haven't changed since last years photos. Check them out. I'm home safely thank you.

  11. Bunni, it was great fun. I got home very easily thank you.

  12. Opie, I look very forward to it. I got home in one piece.

  13. Glad you had a good time and had a safe trip home.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Odie that dog has given me the biggest smile in a long while!
    Have reblogged it and left a link so my readers can come over and enjoy your blog as much as I do!
    Glad youre home safe as well
    ps its also my new desktop pic!

  16. I'm glad for all of you. My aunt visited Knots Berry Farm when she was there but I just blew right by it on my trip.


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