Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Latest Landing of Wal-Martians

     They're Here .....

 Again we are blessed ... Thanks David !


  1. Good thing I had my coffee. That was too much skin for this time of the morning.

    The last picture has brought about a new level of revulsion in me. Thanks in advance for that. ;-)

  2. I have learned my lesson about coffee and keyboards and Odie!

  3. Did you notice that the woman in orange had her boobies in the wrong place?
    And that last one is have a big Crack attack :-)

  4. Sent the last one to a co-worker who wears his pants like that. Think he'll quit?

  5. Randy, I probably need to move the warning on my sidebar higher.

  6. Stopsign, I missed the boobs in the belly look. Good eye my girl.

  7. Deb, have you done that before? The thing that gets me here is this is a woman.

  8. walmartians ha! have an awesome Wednesday buddy~!

  9. That bottom image reminds me of the local walmart, not the customers but the checkers---no lie!!!

  10. The girl in orange has a sexy butt. Too bad it is in the front.

  11. Where'd I put my spackle...

    That first one... One of the things that REALLY hacks me off is a big fattie in the electric cart (they can't operate it). Walking around the store would probably do 'em some good.

  12. Ron, makes you want to go back often, huh.

  13. Brooke, I just finished my 2 mile walk. I know it helps.

  14. You can use spackle to cover up cracks but I doubt you could find or put that much spackle in one place. That was why I though about putty.

  15. Out there somewhere there are actally men who tell these creatures that they look good this way...That is SCARRRY!

  16. Admiral, how about silicone caulking from a caulking gun.

  17. Oh Scott, use your romantic side ... love is blind.

  18. I am so thankful we live where we do. Our local WalMart is 5 minutes from my home and blessedly we don't see this sort of thing.

    What would posses a woman to go out in public looking like that? Never mind. It was a stupid question.

  19. Silicone caulk may work and it would get rid of the smell too. ;-)

  20. Adrienne, you do make it so easy on your host by answering your own questions.

  21. Admiral, when using silicone caulk one can't fart for 24 hours allowing it to dry thoroughly.

  22. Scott, back so soon? Oh OK, dead indeed.

  23. Oh my Lord, that crack was the size of Mount Rushmore.

  24. If I went into Mac Donaldson and saw that I don't thinkI would want to order any food!

  25. Is that last pic of the Grand Canyon meant to be with the walmartians Odie?
    I am sooo glad that we don't have Walmart over here, though I think some of our 'citizens' are trying to catch up with your examples here sometimes...(shakes head sadly) still theyll come in useful when the oil runs out, once suitably rendered down eh!

  26. They don't make 2X10's long enough or strong enough to cross that crack without load bearing cheek walls. And cottage cheese ain't a load bearing material.

  27. Holy cow! That just takes nasty to a whole new level with all that skin showing.

  28. Cal Girl, That is the back side of Mount Rushmore. Now why hasn't anyone mentioned the sign on the other side of her aisle.

  29. Mr. AOW, There's nothing like seeing someone with an appetite to give you one too ... No?

  30. nominedeus, There's nothing like a Wal-Mart to give one perspective on "Normal".

  31. Sig94, They're doing wonders with engineered beams these days.

  32. Teresa, Just another post of "Butt" ugly.


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