Saturday, July 9, 2011

Really, Walmart Again? #2

We're doing another show so I've left you with some
 Oh God! What is that!? It looks so angry!
 Hey Snooki, thanks for the effort you put into covering up.
 “The Butterfly Effect” because when you bend over it looks like you sat on a butterfly…
 Can someone please explain to me how something like this happens? I mean WTF ?
Look at those luscious boobs on…OH MY GOD! More Back Boob !


  1. Oh sure, Odie, lob a grenade into the room and skedaddle!

    Most of these photos beg the question "don't these people have mirrors in their homes?" except for the first one in this series. I mean, she had to have planned and schemed to reveal the a** crack by selecting a jeans and shirt combo like that.

    Clearly, this is all Obama's fault.

  2. Jean Calculus: Derriere "dare-ivative"

  3. TWP, Mirrors with these people was a while back. They have since blocked their mirrors with there WalMart purchases.

  4. I am with TWP,,"Clearly, this is all Obama's fault" seeing how the gal wearing a cardboard box that can double as her house under an overpass.

    However, I suppose this makes economical sense in Obamas economy.

  5. You couldn't be satisfied with just the vehicles from yesterday, could you? No, you had to go and do this. LOL - what a freak show.

  6. How does something like that happen? Hope and change?

  7. Just when I thought I'd seen it all...

  8. Christopher, home is where the heart is.

  9. Otis, you've just seen the REAL Woodsterman show.

  10. Trestin, that's as good a reason as any.

  11. Lady, now admit it, that's why you come there. Wanted or not, the answers are here.


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