Sunday, July 3, 2011

Have You Ever Had Beer For Breakfast ? OR Pull !

Let's have some Redneck fun!
There is a longer version, but it didn't allow for embedding.
Longer Version :


  1. As to answer your title question's, yes and yes when camping that is but he pull was with clay pigeons not humans,,yet.

  2. When I was young and dumb..I tried to be unarmed though.

  3. Christopher, you just can't beat beer and paint ball.

  4. Randy,,,Are you saying that you tried to be unarmed when drinking beer for breakfast? If so it is a good idea.

  5. The last time I had beer for breakfast was the last time we drove down to Gainesville for the GatorNationals. Get there about 6:00 AM, park, and open the cooler. You can't take beer inside the raceway, so drink it in the parking lot. Beer and drag racing just seem to go together.

  6. I never realized that the man who starred in Jackass had gone to official Clown School. These are professional pratfalls, and who am I to criticize the art.

  7. Christopher, leave the guy alone. You just can't be a proper redneck if you can't enjoy both at the same time.

  8. Opie, you are really brightening your horizons ... Art?

  9. I was usually never armed until lunchtime, well after my first six pack of quarts...

  10. I have had beer for breakfast, but some people maintain that it's not JUST for breakfast anymore. I've never done that with a paintball gun, but I'm willing to try.

  11. I can't believe they got a Redneck man to glue feathers on.

  12. LL, do you mean dressed in feathers or shooting the paint ball gun?

  13. Paintball looks like fun. It would be fun to shoot at a moving target.

  14. Teresa, that bird is definitely moving.

  15. Reminds me of drinking, highwall diving, and some very cold murky water at the bottom of a lake--with some tangled cable at my feet. Those were the days!


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.