Thursday, January 13, 2011

OUCH .... Higher Taxes !

Ladies and gentlemen, there comes a time when we on the right
can say, "We told you so" to those on the left. When the left turns
government into their pet project or charitable organization, there
will be an ultimate price to pay. One state in particular has been
robbing it's citizens to support it's political base. Now the piper
must pay the bill. Don't feel too bad for these citizens. After all,
they have voted for these people year after year.

It looks like some of the friends of this blog will have their state
income taxes raised as much as 66% ... ouch! It is the politicians
of Illinois telling their voters that the party isn't quite over. "We
on the left know what's best for our citizens, unions, and us, so
now you can pay for it. Our union thugs will be coming around
to collect your fair share." After all, it is the Chicago way!

I wish our Chicago blogging friends well. Sorry Guys, it looks 
like you get to pay for the party that produced the likes of the
Golden Pantload and his friends in the White House.

Story Link .... Illinois Party!


  1. Why would anyone try and start up a business in that state? It will be interesting to see if Oprah moves her new business venture to a different state to avoid paying those outrageous fees.

  2. The democrat utopia of Chicago is broken. Soon it will join Detroit as a wasteland.

  3. I wish our Chicago blogging friends well too.

  4. For a single person who makes only $25,000 a year, that translates into more than a $500 increase this year in taxes. That's a lot of money to dish out from the low income folks.

    Even the LA Times ripped on Illinois for its tax increase - more of a "Whew! We're glad California isn't to that point yet" point on view.

  5. They keep milking the starving cow. How is this supposed to help our ailing economy?

  6. I can't believe what they're doing, Girl. Hey I guess it costs plenty to have crooks running things.

  7. Admiral, it's right there with Detroit already.

  8. Supi, I thought of Bunni as soon as I found this.

  9. Euripides, California raised our taxes stealthy like ... I'm in retail and two years ago they raised our sales taxes 16% and most people didn't even notice.

  10. Too bad. Amazing how people can continue to vote thugs into office.

  11. Of course you know I did not vote for any of these crooks! That horrid gov. jello....aka Quinn TOLD THE VOTERS WHILE CAMPAIGNING he was going to RAISE OUR TAXES! And yet the clods voted for him.

    Don't get me started. This is a perfect disgrace, I wish I could leave, all the employers sure will, right next door to Indiana or Wisc., who already called us the dysfunctional neighbors down the road "simpsons".

    If you want to see the graft in action, check out this
    investigative report aired 6 pm tonight. This broad is the treasurer of CROOK COUNTY...oh, I mean Cook. The bimbo has no shame. But, I think she's going to get in trouble over this, they'll be needing some scapegoats.

    The F-ing state and city is a Nightmare, I have refrained from writing about it on my blog because....well you know!

  12. Lady, it gets easier when you chase all of the bill payers out of the state.

  13. Bunni, I'll bet everyone that commented here was waiting to hear what you had to say. I know I was. Crook County about says it all doesn't it.

  14. A car and a driver paid for by the citizens is a bit much, Bunni! Let alone being used on personal business. I wonder what bennys that driver gets, and who's cousin is he?

  15. Capital is fluid. People can move and take their money with them - and businesses no longer viable in a union, high tax state can move to a right-to-work state where the cost of living and pay for workers is lower (profit higher).

    I suspect that Chicago is about to get tough love from its prosperous -- who will leave all the welfare parasites behind them to bask in the windy city by themselves.

  16. LL, as much as it is tragic to see the people of Chicago get stepped on, that city and it's politicians can stay good bye to a large part of its tax base.

  17. Thanks Odie! You know anything I have to say about this whole mess would not be complimentary! I could go on for a book worth of crap, but I'll save that for a later day.

    The worst part of this broad hiring these people, is she hid them in the budgets under other classifications. If she had put, Chauffeur & Maid, it would be scrutinized. As with all politicians, the cover-up is worse than the crime.

    But it won't matter, they carry on and we keep getting screwed. If it was easy for me to pick up and go, I would have been LONG GONE years ago! Time's coming though, as soon as things improve in the RE front.

  18. PS: The driver gets $97,000 thousand give or take a few. The maid gets $57,000.
    Wish I could make that for dusting an office.

  19. "Golden pant load"....... BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  20. Many in those blue states are feeling bluer now! The "Blue State Blues" are setting in!

  21. Bunni, These politicians have every one in their pockets.

  22. That's good money for doing little, Bunni.

  23. Starsplash, The War Planner started that one. He's on my sidebar.

  24. Ron, right you are ! (In more ways than you know).


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