Saturday, January 1, 2011

In The Spirit of Flying Home This Time of Year


  1. Christopher, it is a classic. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  2. Foster Brooks! I haven't thought of his comedy in years. Thanks for the memories.

  3. I'm glad I missed that flight :)
    Classic, I loved these guys.

  4. Happy New Year, Odie!
    That was a great clip to start the year.
    I hope your 2011 is great!
    It's the Year of the Rabbit, so off to a hopping good start ;-) All the Best, ~ Bunni!

  5. Happy New Year Odie :o)

  6. Euripides, he is a classic. I got to see him in Las Vegas about 35 years ago.

  7. Stopsign, yes a classic indeed. I found myself wiping my eyes like Deano.

  8. Teresa, I'm glad you watched and enjoyed it.

  9. God, this is funny! Foster Brooks could really milk that for some great lifes without the routine getting old.

    And it kinda reminds me of the rules we had in the USAF: No drinking 24 hours before a mission and no smoking within 100 feet of the aircraft. That was SOP for all the commands except TAC -- Tactical Air Command; the fighter jocks. Theirs was: No smoking 24 hours before a mission and no drinking within 100 feet of the aircraft.


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