Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Walmartians Are Coming II

They've resorted to picking up tricks at Wal-Mart ?
“Should someone tell her?” Hmmm, I think she already knows.
I don't care who you're going on a first date with ... you just don't take them to WalMart.
Yes by all means, buy some clothes.


  1. LOL Walmart is like a freakshow. We have two here in our area of No Virginia. The one in Leesburg is old and small. The folks there are all sweet and oldie type Virginians both black and white nice folks sweet happy chubby laughing black ladies with funny hair and old white men shuffeling around. mom loves that store.
    The one in Sterling is a zoo. it is 3 years old and a freaking zoo. I do not knw where those people came from.
    Their prices are not that great either.

    bonks Mr. Woodsterman

  2. Pierro, Thanks for the Walmart in Northern Virginia Geography lesson ... Bonks ...

  3. Birth control? We don't need no stinking birthcontorl. Looking at these women make my wizzer numb.

  4. I agree with Starsplash. Although... the goat is somewhat attractive.

  5. Must you do this Odie? And must I continue to look in with the raw fascination akin to watching a fatal car crash? Have mercy, my friend. My eyes have hardly healed from the last WalMart post....

  6. Nickie, I'm with you ... that goat ain't half bad.

  7. Christopher, get in line behind Nickie and me.

  8. Euripides, your hooked ... admit it. It's like a crack addiction. You just have to keep visiting you dealer here.

  9. More like a cleavage addiction than crack, but the "end" result is the same. No butts about it.

  10. Euripides, I'm glad you have a grasp on the seriousness of this site. Don't you worry, there's more in the days to come ... no butts about it.

  11. I once asked a visiting Californian if they are really like they are shown on TV; she said yes, but they cut out the fat people and bickering families. Perhaps she might have added, 'and the Walmart people too'.

  12. Oh banned, Walmart people from California are the greatest.


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