Friday, October 1, 2010

Clean Underwear Isn't Their Mother's Only Worry

Here are some of the liberal voters we must defeat in NOvember
Go Spidey ... (I hope he stops by)
Jeans are still my favorite
Bundles of style everywhere ...
One could say they're juicy (or)
Boobs on the half shell
You go girl (or bumble bee)
You're selling what to who dressed as what?


  1. Just goes to show. You can find bad fashion outside of Walmart.

  2. Opie, it's everywhere, it's everywhere.

  3. It really makes you wonder about the wisdom of "one man, one vote".

    And, I suspect they're all from Chicago and Obama supporters.

  4. The spider-man one is my favorite.

  5. I like the Uncle Sam putting on the Ritz pic the best.

  6. Those jeans aren't so bad. I think I'm gonna vote for her.

  7. LL, well Jim did send them from Chicago. VOTERS? ... scary stuff!

  8. Trestin, you're just easily amused. Have you seen Spidey? I wanted him to see that guy.

  9. Supi, I'll bet that guy has a 10 foot stride.

  10. The first guy looks like he played a part in Star Trek as a Ferengi (minus the Spidey suit) which is apropos, being the Ferngi were depicted as theives and con artists just like liberals.


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