Monday, October 18, 2010

Even "The Liar" Catches Jerry Lying ...

Oh Jerry for shame !


  1. Now that is a smart ad. Now ole' Jerry will have to campaign against Slick Willy!


  2. Christopher, he did once already. Don't you worry about old Jerry, slick Willy was in California yesterday. They are very worried ... NOvember!

  3. It's the typical Liberal mantra

  4. I simply cannot believe that Californians would be stupid enough to take Brown for another spin....

  5. That's a great ad! The only person "the people" will listen to other than Obama is Brother Bill.

    I found the fishing stuff by searching "woodsterman" on twitter. Several people twitted about your posts and put the link in.

    I haven't talked to sg46 in months... I don't know if she's caught up in facebook or what. I know thinkinfyou quit blogging and started an organic soap company ( and is really busy with all of that.

    Teabaggin... I can't even log in there... I don't know what's up with it.

    Me, I work a lot through summer, things are starting to slow back down now, so I'll be bugging you more.

    Is the bunni ok? Have you heard from her lately?

  6. Euripides..

    ..there's a lot of old hippies still living the life in the Haight and many more burnt-out Disco bunnies in SoCal who think Brown is the bomb.

    If elected, he ought to take the state straight over the edge.

  7. Euripides, I can't either, and we on the right are doing everything we can to spoil his plans. Now lets talk about John McCain.

  8. Opie he sure does, and Meg Ryan is starting to run ads about it too.

  9. TWP, if he wins, that will be the straw that gets more businesses to move to Nevada (maybe mine too).

  10. Yeah, McCain's an embarrassment to Arizona. First time I've voted for a libertarian candidate.

  11. Euripides, Ah but now the catch 22. Now you have to vote for him to keep the Democrap out.

  12. McCain will win the election anyway, so I went with the libertarian. It was only a catch 22 with some of the state candidates who had to beat out their Dem candidate.

    At least the current AZ governor, Jan Brewer, who's up for reelection this year, at least she defended AZ laws even though they weren't popular with liberal sensibilities.

  13. I always vote the Republican ticket in the general and vote for the most conservative in the Primary elections.


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