Thursday, May 20, 2010

Woodsterman Takes A Vacation ... Part 6

Yesterday was my day to scare the shit out of the little
woman. The best description I've ever heard about driving
a motorhome is it's like driving a billboard down the road.
The wind and rain were so bad yesterday that we had pieces
of trees flying at us. Also, needless to say, the "billboard"
didn't want to go where I pointed it. We made it, though, to
our next stop, Charleston, Oregon.

The rain stopped long enough to walk 100 yards to the beach.
Yes, it's that close, and a level walk too with no cliffs for a

Last night it rained so hard we couldn't hear the sound on the
TV. We've never had that happen before. Also, today I need to
take a good look at the motorhome for damage from those
flying pieces of trees. After that it will be lots of beachcombing
time. The sun is out now, but for how long is anyone's guess.
As with all of these ... click to enlarge.
The photos are a megabit or bigger.
Let me know if you like that or not.
This is the little trail to the beach from our site.
This is what the trail opens up to. I'll do better
with the camera today. At low tide we can walk
out to that point.
This is the sight in the other direction.


  1. BEAUTIFUL pics, Odie.
    Those storms sound scary. I hope you don't have any damage to the RV! Stay safe and I hope the weather holds up.

    We've had 2 great days here, I'm about to go out and buy more flowers for the yard, it's shaping up nicely now, and keeps me super busy. TTYL

  2. Bunni, have fun with the garden. I hope the kids are watering mine OK.

    Time to check the motorhome.

  3. Yeah, that little blow took our electricity out for about an hour and a half. I can imagine that the RV felt like a kite!

  4. Innominatus, Yeah I point the motorhome in one direction and it goes in another ... go figure.

  5. Malcontent, The games have indeed begun.

  6. Be careful out there. My friend last night ended up in a cow pasture to avoid hitting deers.

  7. Supi huh ... Well you're as bad as me with multiple IDs. Yes I was quite careful. I kept my speed way down. Thank you for your concern.


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