Friday, May 21, 2010

Woodsterman Is One Year Old Today !

Today is Woodsterman's first year anniversary as a Blog !


  1. That's awesome, Odie. Happy Blogoversary. May you have a thousand boners and be able to satisfy each and every one.

  2. Happy Blogoversary, Odie! I love your awesome blog! I am looking forward to many more posts of "wood" humor.

  3. Happy Anniversary, Odie!
    I hope you have many more years of making us laugh! Congrats.

  4. Happy Anniversary. I'm still distracted by SB's comment....

  5. Happy First Blogday Woodie, may there be many happy returns.

  6. Happy Blog Anniversary. Toast to many more funny blogs to come.

  7. Happy Blogiversary! Where's the party?

  8. Snarky, I wasn't going to comment here, but I have to now. Are you one of those pervs you mentioned in the last post? If you are then you're what Woodsterman is all about. Like it says in the bio, "A patriotic, dirty old man".

    Blogoversary ... that's a new one on me.

  9. Teresa, Thank you and the same to you after your celebration last week. You were the one that got me to look at my first post ... back when I was the only reader.

  10. Bunni, as the ultimate cheerleader, you have brightened my every blog page ... thank you!

  11. Opie, wise beyond your years, knows a great blog when you find one. You have been a very fun and loyal friend.

  12. Banned, Thank you for finding me across the pond as you did. It was no easy swim for you, I'll bet. I have thoroughly enjoyed trying to learn your language.

  13. Supi, Thank you to one of my newest readers ... you'll be sorry you came over to the dark side. I've enjoyed your comments ... thank you!

  14. Lady, The party is at Hiouchi, where the internet drops about every other sentence. Being an old retired telephone guy, I spotted a bunch of temporary cable wraps on my way here. They are no doubt getting a little damp.

    I've been saying hello to Oregon for you. Every time I see a "Rhoddie" in bloom I think of you. You put the thought of them in my head.

  15. Belated Happy Blogday, Odie - and many more, mate. ;-)

  16. Spidey, thank you so much. You've been visiting here quite a bit of that time.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.