Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Woodsterman Takes A Vacation ... Part 5

This is our second day in Newport, Oregon. Yesterday, we went to the old town on the harbor. I forgot my camera, and then I forgot to ask the RV park office what the password was for the Wi-Fi ... DUH! I finally got my act together today. Thank goodness we're staying two days here.

Tonight we're going out to dinner to celebrate my Sue's
anniversary. Just kidding ... it's our 36th today. Can you 
believe she's put up with me that long?

The photos below are of the harbor. The large bridge is the
one containing Highway 101. This is Yaquina Bay for the 
river of the same name. There is also a haunted light house.
If you notice the seagulls on the pilings ... yes those are old
tires someone has put there for them.
Click to enlarge 


  1. Nice to see that you are enjoying your holidays Woody, fishing boats and their associated equipment were a common sight at seaside towns in England until we gave away our fishing grounds to the Spaniards for the EU and we are not allowed to do interesting things with old tyres anymore as they have to be disposed of as "hazardous industrial waste".

  2. I'm not into heights. I've tried to walk across that bridge a couple times, but each time I've wussied out before I made it to the highest point.

    And I dunno if you were planning on going on hwy 20, but FYI they're widening the road (with dynamite! woohoo!) and the delays can be pretty long.

  3. Beautiful pictures. Seeing the boats makes me want to go deep sea fishing again.

  4. 36!!! Wow, congratulations to both of you!!!! Looks a lot better than the 90 degree weather here!

  5. You know, the farther north you go, the greater the chance you'll be kidnmapped by an enviroterrorist and held for ransom.

    I wonder who will pay...

  6. Thanks for sharing your vacation pictures. Some beautiful shots. Enjoy the rest of your trip and be safe.

  7. Banned, when is the country famous for her navy going the tell the EU to fuck off?

  8. innominatus, no hwy 20, we're going to stay on 101 south. I think the next stop (today) will be Charleston. The RV park there is right on the beach with no cliffs to navigate.

  9. Sonia, I would join you, but the little woman gets sea sick on a floating dock in a harbor.

  10. Velcro, thank you and it's been about 65 degrees with rainy mornings, but this morning it's dry.

  11. Snarky, we're headed south for the rest of the trip. We did have a close call up north along the Columbia River though. A group of Illegals from Canada tried to kiddamamapp us but we tied their shoe laces together and made a run for it.

  12. Conservative Lady, thank you for your good wishes, and we look forward to the rest of the trip.

  13. Ahhhhh, Happy 36th Odie!
    I missed this yesterday, You wife should get sainthood for her sweet disposition, hee hee.

    Beautiful photo's, what a great way for you 2 to celebrate! I hope you have many more happy years.

  14. Bunni, thank you, but you never know. I've been walking on eggshells for 35 years hee hee yourself.


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