Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Tuesday Libturdishness ~ B


Thanks Fbers


  1. A Phalanx CIWS would be better than an AR in that situation, and a dozen Phalanx CIWS systems would be even better.

  2. #1 Most of God's creation knows there are only 2 sexes.
    #2 gave me a good chuckle.
    I have often said that about mamograms...

    Haven't like Oprah for a while.

    #4 Unfortunately, the Arabs have no intention of loving their children more..
    #5 Is pretty good.
    #6 Must have been the inspriation for that Palpatine guy in Star Wars.
    #7 ....
    #8 Exactly
    #9 We might be close to finding out for ourselves.
    #10 What the heck is that?

    I can't afford a phalanx or an AR, sadly.
    But I did enjoy these, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  3. Always heed the words of a Jewish mother.

    PS Dr Evil is the real Dorian Gray


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