Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tuesday Afternoon Fun

 Thanks FBers


  1. My glider always looped and crashed.
    A lot of funny ones there, Odie. Thank you!
    Be safe and God bless. :)

    1. LindaG, It always depended where you placed the wind and wind direction.

  2. OMG! Guillow's gliders and their stick balsa kits followed by control line planes and a Cox .049 Baby Bee followed by a R/C Das Ugly Stick followed by Army Helicopter Flight School and a 31 year Army career. All started with a balsa glider...

    1. Jim M, first congratulations on your 31 years! Thank You!

      You forgot my favorite, the Jetex planes with engines. However, you did bring back some great memories.

  3. The nickel Strato was even better. But I tossed my share of those,too.

    1. Justin_O_Guy, We have to throw the 10 cent kite in there too. My whole block used to fly those with a 1000 feet of string after school.

  4. 70s, my ass.

    We had those back in the 50s and a class of 32 boys would go wild.

  5. For 25 cents you could get one with a rubber band powered propeller.

  6. Had almost that exact conversation with a Game Warden. Me and a friend were out in his bass boat and got pulled over. He checked our licenses, life jackets, registration and fire extinguisher and said "I need to check your live wells" and we both broke out laughing. We didn't even have water in the live wells much less fish. It was still a good day fishing. Good ones this morning. I'll save my story about accidentally buying a Cadillac ambulance for another day.

  7. I remember one finals week at UC Davis in the mid-70s. Everyone in the dorm all seemed to have balsa wood gliders. That was the stress relief that week. Next finals time it was something else.

    1. Sherm, congratulations on getting into UC Davis. And yes, those gliders were great stress relievers.

  8. I spent countless hours flying Balsa gliders and rubber band powered planes. Hell, I could today. Thanks for the memories Odie!

  9. A Mom & Pop store near my home sold one for a Nickle. The were a little smaller, but great stunters. (They also made spectacular displays when you taped a firecracker to the C/G before launching!)

  10. I'm so old, my glider didn't have a plastic cockpit. It was all balsa. HA!

    1. LivingFossil, Thanks. I just noticed that. Mine never had plastic either.


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