Sunday, August 29, 2021

Happy Funday Ever-Two

 Thanks FBers


  1. A DJ on a Quad Cities radio station (Rock Island Illinois) told listeners that a stealth bomber was going to be at the Quad Cities airport, but since it was invisible, you wouldn't be able to see it. People showed up and he got fired.

  2. Matthew I spent my entire adult life working in the electric industry.(43+ years) 25 year's of that time I worked as a trouble shooter and I was in contact with many people on a daily basis. At the end of the day I would ask myself "did you talk to anyone today in normal conversation that was smarter than myself?" Nope. Most of them couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the bottom. Hence dumb asses looking for an invisible airplane.

  3. Btw. Forgot to mention. I got straight F's in school except for history class. I aced that class until I dropped out altogether and went to work building power lines.

  4. Hey Woodsterman I love ur site! I check it out twice a day. Why does my post come up as unknown when my email is right below?

    1. Unknown, when I click on your "Unknown" it says your setting is set to "Private". Does that help?

  5. Woodsterman you spliced phone cable? I really admired you guys. Takes a lot of skill to put back that psychedelic colored spaghetti after a trencher went through it.

    1. Unknown, it did indeed. I did many of those myself.

  6. That little dude with the tattoos probably has 8 women locked in his basement.

    Pepperoni and Jalapeno. Yum

  7. Skinny guy(?) With the tats and avocado are the type that complain that they can't get into the house when they come home during a power outage because they use the garage door opener as a house key.oops sorry if you're guilty of the same dumbassery

    1. Unknown, that was me too, LOL. I always had a house key and a generator too though. Don't worry, I never back feed it. Only plugged the refrigerator into it.

  8. Pizza.

    And the kids, there's one in every crowd.

    1. edutcher, someone has to eat the pizza while it's hot.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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