Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Shall We Have Libturds For A Tuesday Morning


Thanks FBers


  1. I'm surprised at you Woodie. Picking on Biden and Harris, a couple of retarded people...

    1. Kid, why not? They're easy targets.

    2. Isn't that phobic or something ? :)

      Hope you had a great 4th. Our neighbor had an hour+ long fireworks show in his front yard Sunday. All the stuff you usually see but only rising 100 ft or so. Dude spent some money.

    3. Kid, where I live if you even got fireworks out they'd arrest you and throw away the key.

    4. Sorry to hear man. Couple years ago, someone called the cops on the guy. The cops came over, yukked it up a bit, enjoyed some fireworks and went on their way.

    5. Kid, one sparkler could burn this place to the ground.

  2. So many good ones here, Odie. God bless. :)

  3. I like the news one the best. That's about what they are giving us.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♥


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