Monday, September 7, 2020

Music The Way Woodsterman Likes It ~ The Petersens



  1. A Dobro, a Mandolin, a Fiddle, an Acoustical guitar, and a Bass Fiddle, what more can a man want in good music! I enjoyed that Woodman!

  2. Thanks Woodie. Gonna go see if I can find more.

  3. The Peterson’s are a state treasure here in Missouri! Many covers on YouTube.

  4. Dude, I just spent the entire evening looking at their videos over on YouTube. Thank you so much for sharing that. You are "the man"!!!!

    With what passes for "pop music" these days, both top-40 and country, sucking so bad, it is amazing to find a family with so much talent playing and singing harmony like only family members can.

  5. Cederq, the blond, Ellen, singing plays the banjo.

  6. Gringo B, they should be a state treasure. Thanks for sharing them.


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