Thursday, September 24, 2020

Libturd Thursday Afternoon ~ They're Among Us


Did this last one stir you up?

Thanks FB'ers


  1. That last one made me laugh!
    A hell of a lot of those “Rednecks” got that way fighting for their country!

  2. The last one is nothing more than a pinhead, stuck up her own ass

  3. C'mon That thing in #3 could most likely suck start my Harley.

    Yep, just a redneck what thinks he needs a 30 rd. thingy clip thingy shell
    holder to hunts them thar evil antifey aminals.

  4. That last one makes me happy. The more these idiots think Biden is going to get elected the more they're going to cry over the election

    4.5 more years princesses !

  5. Last time I was drinking in Dublin, I visited the Searcaigh district for a quick BJ.

  6. The last one doesn't stir me up so much as it amazes me by her sheer lack of awareness. She will be shocked at the response to them trying. Pray that it doesn't come down to that.

  7. Kyle Rittenhouse, 3 for 3.

    And they don't call him LeBum for nothing.

  8. The last one. Hope you enjoy scrounging for rats and stray pets when IT kicks off - and the power is off, the food is gone, and your home has been burned out by an enterprising Patriot who lit your entire neighborhood on fire.

  9. I'll put my money on the old rednecks...

  10. The last one made me point and laugh.

  11. Frank Fisher, this redneck thought she was one really stupid bitch.

  12. Richard, I'd be afraid to that that little #3 bitch near my Harley. She(?) would suck the chrome right offenit.

    Keep your 30 round clippy thingy dry.

  13. Ace Rimmer, was there any whining with that.

  14. Bill Chunko, her teacher teaches this crap as gospel, then the little miss gets all woked up out in the real world.

  15. NITZAKHON, don't hold back or sugar coat it.

  16. The gal in that last one should ask that Canadian broad, who sent ricin to the president, and got caught crossing the border with a handgun, just how well that "removal from office" works IRL.

  17. Mr. Positive, I think they're real close to each other on the IQ chart.


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