Friday, July 17, 2020

Maybe The Criminal's Life Isn't For You


  1. By 35 seconds in the employee and customers are out of the shop and the door is locked. At 5:13 in, the "youth" has his hands up, there's your response time by LE.

  2. Bwahahahahahahahaha. This is awesome.

    Have a great day and weekend, Odie. ♥

  3. I think it a bit late to find Jesus in his case!!!!!

  4. Coffee Man, is it ever too late? He's just learning the hard way on the way through his search.

  5. That shows the low IQ of the robber. I would be willing to bet that the store had another door in back that he could have left through. If not, then the store would have been in violation of fire codes for not having an emergency exit available.
    Worst case, he could have busted through the sheetrock walls into an adjacent store to exit.

  6. What was her first clue that
    This one's trouble?
    Aside from his sauntering in and going for the waistband,, his pants were up, and he could run,,
    He sure was wiggin out in that locked room with bars on it,, Maybe he will get enough practice to learn to calmly accept such cozy environs..

  7. I could watch these all day.

  8. He was probably the only person in the world hoping for an antifa/ blm protest/ riot to break out so he could be freed from the white mans oppressive clutches ! dumbass !

  9. T Town,, the back door probably was locked, but I'm with you on the drywall. That's the first place to try.

  10. Justin_O_Guy, I believe their tip off was when he went behind the counter.

  11. ToNo, Nope, he was put together with used parts.

  12. Odie, I believe what ToNo meant by "made good" was dead. You know, as in, "the only good _____ is a dead _____.".

  13. Patrick, I'll have to pay better attention next time.


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