Monday, July 20, 2020

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style ~ 258


  1. A very well-trained dog (with a very considerate mistress) and one who keeps his eyes on the prize.

  2. The golden, the ball and the waves....priceless!!!

  3. I loved the dog moving the obstacle for the guy to pass without tripping over and the other one I loved is the dog trying to get the ball and the ocean is scaring him/her. Adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Odie. ♥

  4. Sandee, my favorite is the first. If you're going to tie your dog to your chair, you better weigh 400 pounds.

  5. such great dogs! Especially the considerate one removing a trip hazard!

  6. first one is the best, moral of the story, don't tie your dog to the chair.

  7. Just a dog day day... `Man's best friend cuz' they fell sorry for us...

  8. Klara, not unless you weigh 400 pounds.

  9. Cederq, I thought we could use dogs today.

  10. Your posts are always very good; today's are exceptionally good.

    Thanks for the posts.
    Paul L. Quandt

  11. Numba 2. Most dogs are way smarter than most people. And why didn't the woman move the stick?

    Love that last one.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.