Monday, May 27, 2019

Thoughts Of A Veteran On This Most Sacred Of Days

As many of you know I'm a Vietnam Veteran. This day, as I get older, means more and more to me. With only one third of Vietnam Veterans alive to pass along the stories I realize my own humanity.

My best friend growing up, Bill Mercer, is on this wall above. I've mentioned him a few times on past Memorial Day posts. I have two links here (2010) ---- (2011) to these posts. Like so many that have died for this country, his was so very special.

I wish the "people" growing up in this latest generation could understand what these courageous  souls have given to them. Maybe if they could just grasp that idea they wouldn't desire socialism and the death of the greatest country ever.

I wish to give thanks this day to those who gave all.

I thank God for sharing his greatest sons and daughters so that we may be free. Their numbers are posted below.

Please remember those above this Memorial Day.


  1. Be glad for the ones who made it home.

  2. All gave some...some gave all....thanks to all....thanks especially today to those who gave all.....God bless ������

  3. Unknown, God bless those who gave all.

  4. I've touched the traveling wall. Most humbling.

    Happy Memorial Day, my friend. ♪♫♪♫

  5. Beautiful, Odie...God bless, and welcome home

  6. Sandee, I've always been sorry I missed it when it was in Reno.

  7. Springeraz, Thank you! That really means a lot!


  9. If it wasn't for a very broken leg at 16, I would have been there because of the draft.

    Our duty to all of now is to do whatever w can to restore America to its most noble causes, liberty and freedom. I'm not sure if we can. Glad you came home sir.

  10. Geez.... Our duty to all of you now is to do whatever we can to restore America to its most noble causes, liberty and freedom.

  11. Thank you for your service, Odie. I make a point to thank every serviceman I see - whether in uniform today, or wearing a hat / pin / patch... when with my kids at the supermarket, for example, I make sure they say thank you too.

    Also to police and firefighters.

  12. Kid, the draft was intimidating, but that's the direction I chose. With one half a million going to Vietnam yearly it didn't make sense to inlist for four years. The draft was only two years. As would happen when you came back from Vietnam with less than 5 years you got out. I ended up only serving 20 1/2 months.

  13. Kid, We all owe our grandkids a free United States of America!

  14. NITZAKHON, I always come back with a "Thank You!" ... So, Thank You!

  15. Begging your tolerance, I just put up a new essay this morning.

  16. NITZAKHON, thanks but you do know whenever you post something it's updated on my sidebar don't you?

  17. Does anyone have casualty numbers for the Barbary Coast war?

  18. B, which one? The first had 64 dead and the second had 53 dead. You're welcome.


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