Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Character, Woodsterman, Turns Ten Today


  1. Congrats, Odie. I highly enjoy visiting here daily.......

  2. Congratulations Odie. I don't always comment, but, I visit every day for the great posts, comments and replies. Thanks.

  3. Congrats. It's a big commitment to run a blog; nice work!

  4. My day doesn't start until I visit here.

    Thanks for all the smiles.

    Lord knows we need them.

  5. Taminator013, I believe this is your first comment. Thank you for being there.

  6. Paulie, It's been a hell of a ride, thank you.

  7. Happy Blog Day and Congratulations!

  8. Mr. Edutcher, And you as well start my day with your daily comment. You, Sir, are a loyal reader, Thank You!!!!

  9. Evi L. Bloggerlady, thank you very much!!!

  10. Congratulations Odie! I check your site several times a day. You're doing great!

  11. Congratulations're the first pace I got after grabbing a cup of's been awhile since I've gotten lost in your maze of posts,but I'll keep trying to see them all..Keep up your excellent work !

  12. Dennis "The Maze" Case, thank you for trying to see each and every one of the better than 4000 posts.

  13. Congratulations sir! I've enjoyed every visit!

  14. Chris, thank you for each and every visit.

  15. Many a laugh, thanks for that. I/we, wife and I always get a smile here, less it's snowing and the satellite dish won't do it's thing. Always enjoy the jokes.

  16. I've been a fan for years, Odie.

    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Woodsterman,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♪♫♪♫

  17. Like the bowl what type of wood
    what lathe do you have.

  18. Hillbilly, thank you and we just some more unwanted snow.

  19. Sandee, I know and you are one of those with many a comment when you visit.

  20. ArtPick, that bowl is Myrtle Wood from Oregon.

    I turned that bowl on my 14 inch Delta. I bought it because all of my accessories from my Jet Mini fit on it. Take a look at "Why I Am Called Woodsterman" above. My specialty is not bowls, but boxes with fancy joinery.

  21. Happy Anniversary Odie...your blog is a daily stop for me. I have spewed endless amounts of coffee on my screen enjoying your posts. I do dislike having to sign in under my second 'pen name' to post a comment...'twill not stop me however.
    See you tomorrow!

  22. Extexanwannabe, Oops coffee problems again.

    Sorry about that sign in thing. It's probably because I don't allow anonymous and you don't have a google account. I had to take these steps because of the flood of spam. I don't have that problem because I have an account with about 4 different comment outfits.

  23. Congratulations! I have enjoyed my daily visits for going on 6 years now. I’m a lurker, but I come to take a break from taking life too seriously. Keep up the great work!

  24. Smoker78, I love lurkers. You've been a six year old well kept secret. Thank You for your visits!

  25. Odie, no character reminds me of a ten year old quite like you! Here's to ten more!

  26. Mr. Positive, thank you for the kind words. I'm enjoying being ten.

  27. Nice Bowl ! I do a little woodworking..

    I Love ya Odie ! Keep em coming !

  28. Onward and upward to another 10 years Odie!

  29. Odie, Sorry I'm late to the party. I'm proud of your success and join in celebrating your 10th blogiversary. A decade of laughs, coffee-spewing memes and knee-slapping humor to start a day off right.

    Thanks for your friendship. God bless ya buddy. I raise a glass to the next ten.

  30. Alligator, thanks. That's what we're striving for.

  31. Sweet Pea, thank you kind lady. Here's to many more years of this blog and friends like you.

  32. You've been sitting in my tabs since this was posted and I decided to let you out since your muscles were starting to cramp.

    Congrats, Odie - and thank you for the wonderful job you do. Love you...

  33. Dear Odie,
    I don't believe I have ever commented, but I have forwarded numerous postings to my close friends who share my warped sense of humor.
    Thank you for the work you put into this site. I love it!!

  34. Graceia, I think you're right. I don't remember hearing from you before. Thank you for the kind words and I look forward to another ten years.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.