Thursday, February 14, 2019

Libturd Thursday Sounds Good To Me

Facebookers Unite!


  1. Funny how it's the Lefties who are all in blackface.

  2. The commie/marxist/libtard meme is now that there was 6500 at Trump rally and 10 - 15 thousand at Beto's rally. WTHell??? Do these fools not have access to the same photos we have?

  3. Adrienne, tell the same lies often enough then liberal/socialists morons will believe them.

  4. Great shots Odie. Keep up the good work!!

    It may be time for most of the 70 million to show in D.C. with their "sporting hardware".

  5. All good, but the black dude blocking the sun with his hand.

    I've seen many drivers on the road doing the same thing. They don't know that the make up mirror is also a sun visor. LOL.

  6. Jeffery, Nancy needs to think through her threats a little more closely.


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