Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Libturd Fun ... A State of the Union Warm Up

I Look Forward To The "Trump Roasts The Democrats"

Mr President, kick ass tonight.


  1. Yes, kick ass tonight, Mr. President.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. 😎

  2. After living in NC, I can assure you that vehicle fees far exceed $36 annually. They have personal property tax, which in 1999, I paid over $200 annually for my 2 year old F-150!

  3. Remember when Nancy Pelosi repeatedly jumped up out of her seat looking like a jack-in-the-box during Ol' Jug Ears' SOTU?

    I can't wait to read her body language. I also look forward to seeing how many ways she can contort her face as she sits behind our Commander-in-Chief.

    It's going to be insane.

  4. Wayne, I thought those might be a bit low, but try this on for size: I have a 2008 Chevy half ton pickum up. That's 11 years old and I just got the registration bill from California. Try $224.00 !!!!!

  5. Curmudgeon, Is she even going to be there because she might boycott the SOTU?

  6. It is $20 for a tag renewal in GA because they bend you over and stick it to you when you first register your car.

  7. Tony, consider yourself lucky. If I bought my pickup today registration would be $638.00 and Sales tax would be $3263.00 for a grand total of $3901.00 for the privilege of owning a pickup in California.

  8. I just hope we all get to play Where In The World Is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

  9. I've been using that gun one for years.

  10. Kid, the dems forget why we have the Second Amendment. It's to protect us from them.

  11. Brig, I was amazed how corgel each side of the aisle was.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.