Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th of July and Thank God For This Independence Day

Yous guys and dolls knows I loves my traditions,
So here they are, The Redhead Express: 

Now I know if there are any new college graduates
reading this, you have no idea about what
I'm speaking. 
This day celebrates the adoption of OUR
Declaration of Independence.
Here's a link below of this document:


  1. Adding a link to the Declaration of Independence was a clever move.

    Thanks for standing guard over liberty and Happy Independence Day to you and Mrs. Woodsterman and all your loyal readers.

    Happy Birthday America!

  2. I think you're absolutely correct about new college graduates being unfamiliar with the Declaration of Independence. It wasn't like that when I was in college - at least not at the college I attended. Seniors were required to take a class called Senior Seminar which concentrated on the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. I graduated in 1991 from the Rochester Institute of Technology.

  3. Happy Independence Day, Odie. Take the day off, kick back, and don't do anything unless you want to do it. (I know that you do that every day, but it's down for the record today)

  4. Curmudgeon, Happy Birth of Our Nation Day!

    I've seen so many college kid on the street interviews and no one knows why we celebrate this day, so the link.

  5. Edward, you're one of the lucky ones. I got all of this from grammar school on in the 50's. All of the parents and teachers lived through WWII and you know it was important to them to pass on the knowledge.

  6. LL, actually I've been working my ass off getting ready for the show in Graeagle, and then I'll GOOF OFF after. Yes, taking it easy is very important to me. I'm taking aim for that after July 23.

    Happy Birth of OUR Nation Day to you My Friend!

  7. An enjoyable and safe 4th to you Woodsterman and your readers. God Bless America.

  8. Preach it, Odie, preach it.

    Happy Independence Day, my friend! ☺

  9. Happy Independence Day, Odie. Beautiful video and beautiful girls.

  10. Thanks! Happy Independence Day to you too! I posted a link to the video on my Face Book page.

  11. Sandee, Preacher Odie? Hmmm, I like the sound of that.

  12. Adrienne, They are my Independence Day Tradition here.

  13. Bill, thank you Sir! They do some great songs and many are on YouTube.


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