Thursday, July 5, 2018

Did I Have Fun Last Night?

How many of you?

Here's some Memes to lighten your day:

Thanks Facebookies!

Side Note: Happy Birthday Dad


  1. The last one is mean, but I do like the third.

  2. They're all classics and worthy of the Woodsterman blog!

    I hope you're recovering from the party.

  3. edutcher, it's always a great day when you can make fun of traitor Jane Fonda.

  4. LL, We usually avoid the "West End Fireworks". But Tom told me it only took an hour to get home this time. Much better than the old three hours.

  5. But now we can get a two fer one with the Fondas. They both should be buried side by side so we can piss side to side and not waste urine.

  6. I love them all and especially the Jane Fonda one. Pretty much a lot of Hollyweird anymore.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  7. Cederq, DAMN! I sure do like your thinking!

  8. Sandee, I'm afraid all of the Good" Hollywood WWII generation are all gone now.

  9. These are GREAT! Thanks for the laughs, Woodster :-)


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