Thursday, May 24, 2018

Oh Well, Home Again Fun Post

R&R ended yesterday, so the Woodsterman Staff is posting
from the home front. I have only one show to get ready for
this summer. I also promised the Son and Grandson "There
will be fishing!" OK, you're caught up as far as I want you
to be ... LOL!!

Thanks Facebookers


  1. The Tom and Jerry pic cracked me up. Thanks for the gigglesnort!

  2. I think that they're all spectacular.

    And fishing sounds like a wonderful way to spend the summer.

  3. Love the last one, but 1 and 2 is an interesting juxtaposition.

  4. The last one is my favorite. Of course it would be. We both grew up watching that cartoon.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  5. Curmudgeon, gigglesnorts are what we strive for here.

  6. LL, I promised out loud to them this year, so time to put my worm where the bait goes.

  7. edutcher, you can't beat Stormy in front of a bunch of boneless butt "W"holes.

  8. Jerry would do it in a second.

  9. Picture 4 was copied and edited to add new comments, an living in Alabama, I have heard some stories, and been in one or two.

    Go to

  10. c.a. and here I thought Jerry was a gentleman ... ah I mean mouse. Speaking of that, I had two dean ones in traps this morning in my garage ... YEA!!!

  11. Seasoned SCPO Ret.) Damn I hate when that happens. I go through more editors here at Woodsterman trying to get these damn facts straight. Looks like I'll have to fire another one. Do you need a job?

  12. LOL, all good ones.
    Fish on boys!

  13. Odie, Hopefully your editors are using Google to “image search” and as for a job, I am too old for snapchat but too young for life alert.

    Appreciate your Memorial Day posts, words always fail me when attempting to honor those who gave their all.


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