Thursday, August 17, 2017

Odds and Ends

Go Figure . . . Honest?
 New TV Tray
 I guess the NFL wants another holiday
at the Woodsterman house. And I thought it
was over. 
 It's not so much that this jerk sits through the
National Anthem, it's that his coach, his
team mates, the team's owner, AND the NFL
give this douche bag a pass. GOOD BYE NFL!  


  1. Stopped watching the NFL several years ago. The first blow was when they started showing shit-performances during the half time show (Madonna, Usher, Beyoncé, Destiny's Child, Bruno Mars, Katy Perry, ad. nauseum).

    The last straw was letting criminals on the field.

    Enough already.

    1. Mike, agreed, but I always took a break when halftime shows came on.

  2. Never a fan, so no loss here. I have better things to do then watch a bunch of over paid cretins frolic about.

    1. Adrienne, I love my 49ers, but last year they broke my heart putting up with that asshat Kaepernick. What angered and hurt me is the league let it continue.

  3. Say good-bye to the NFL.

    Funny how Jerry Jones, who promised to fire any player who didn't stand, is the only one who gets it.

    1. edutcher, Jerry Jones is my new hero ... last year too.

  4. I bundled my collection of 49ers gear away and spent my Sundays reading. I miss football, but not what it has become.

    1. Jan, same here and it breaks this old 49er fan's heart.

  5. I don't spend a dime on the NFL and haven't for years.

    Yep, it's okay for Obama to get rich, but anything President Trump does is a no-no. Talk about biased.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. I don't watch TV so it's a pretty easy pass for me to not watch football. I'd much rather set in the bleachers, for the senior $2 price of admission, at a grandkid's game anyway.

  7. When Harry Truman said, "The buck stops here", I don't think people took him literally!

    1. Proof, it's OK being rich and then becoming a politician, but being a politician then becoming rich "Smells".

  8. Like Mike above, I haven't watched for quite a few years but would sneak a peek at a game every now and then. But what really frosted it for me was October being the month these supposed tough guys would wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness. I don't know about you but football players wearing pink just isn't what I grew up with. I wrote to the NFL declaring that it would be more appropriate to simply have a "Cancer Awareness" month for all kinds including prostate, lymphoma, etc. Then I quit watching completely. Between the hollywood productions, the stupid rules and players acting up and then the NFL getting stupid, I have had enough.

    1. Playful, were together on that wave length. It broke my heart last year when MY 49ers let Kaepernick pull that crap. The owner and couch went along with it. I would have made that asshat stay in the locker room until after the National Anthem after the first time he refused to stand. And PINK? Forgetaboutit!


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