Tuesday, August 1, 2017

CALEXIT . . . But Not What You Think

I saw a list of major company's leaving California. I forget
where I saw it or it would be here. I do know that the last
one I did hear about was Nestle USA.

Thanks LL and Other Facebookers


  1. That last one's been the case for at least 50 years.

    1. edutcher, not quite 50 years, but I'd say since Gray Davis.

  2. Yep, I live in the central valley of California. This state is filled with illegals, gangs, crime and crazy politicians. I'd move if I could, but it's not in the cards. This is all a bunch of talk. I don't believe it. They are just so angry that Hillery didn't win.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. And I live in the Foothills of CA, 50 mi SE of Stockton and all the crazies are growing pot for big bucks and I can't move either. I wonder if we are put here for a Purpose. Just would love to get my property value back out of the toilet! Sorry we couldn't make it to Hometown, Odie. Not to be. Hope it was worth it, but that is a stupid statement - spending time in God's Country for a week-end schmoozing with the folks? Way to go!

    1. Trailbee, according to everything I've read house prices are back up. One more show begins on the 11th for three days.

  4. "Occupied California"? Sounds about right! I like to think of my spot here as Baja British Columbia.

    1. Proof, OK but they're as screwed up there too you know.

  5. I live in the true N California, and I'm gone as soon as this house is sold.

    1. Brig, I wish I could too, but the kids live down the street.


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