Thursday, February 23, 2017


Thanks David

I was very unresponsive yesterday because of snow, power
outages, snow, internet down, and did I say snow.


  1. I'm going to steal some of these. Mia Culpa...

  2. Only 2 realms when we kick-the-bucket, bro, and 1 of em aint too cool.
    God bless you.
    Jussayin, Pops.

    And, yes, I definitely know what MIA CULPA means. Latin: Im sorry. Dunno why he's sayin THAT...

  3. Snow? You got snow? You can't handle the snow!!

    Averaging 120" a year here ... ten feet.

  4. I am so proud to say I'm a conservative. I would be very embarrassed to be a democrat. Many of those folks are nuts. Not all, but many.

    I hope you have a sunny day, Odie.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. You were un-responsive??
    How were we supposed to notice?

  6. 1, 2, and 4. Just nail it.

    But 2 makes you say, "That's MY President".

  7. I think those were the reasons Barry really did come. He began to crack the ice for the thaw. I sure wish we could undo all that money wasted for the last eight years. Sorry about the snow, Odie. We're due for a couple of flakes. Let you know how that turns out - next week. :)

  8. LL, they're always fair game. I steal them myself most of the time.

  9. Sig94, never said I couldn't handle it. It just keeps this 70 year old very busy. I think it's snowed about 40 of the last 60 days. Trust me, I know exactly what a lot of snow looks like at 6000' in the Sierra Nevada.

  10. Sandee, It snowed for a few hours yesterday, but it was sunny a good part of the day ... YEA!

  11. Dick, good question. I visit a lot of the blogs on my sidebar. They usually notice when I'm busy when I don't stop by. Also I'm absent at Facebook. I usually pre-post my stuff so it is hard to tell I agree.

  12. LL: " Mia Culpa". Isn't that Woody Allen's first wife?

  13. Odie - I hear ya. Funny thing, we're way below average this year. Right now it's in the mid 40's and raining cats 'n dogs.

  14. sig94, most of these storms for us have been warm also. Where I live we call it Sierra Cement. We get a break for 7 days, but the temperature isn't supposed to get above 30 with lows of 5.


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