Friday, February 10, 2017

In Honor Of The 9th Curcuit Court

Thanks Facetards


  1. The gender comparisons of then and now are depressing. Thank God you're a gen-u-wine REAL manly studmuffin.

    Thanks for the Friday chuckles. Have a great weekend.

  2. What Curmudgeon said. Spot on.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Odie. ☺

  3. Sweet Pea, You know I love you for seeing the REAL me.

  4. Adrienne, Aw Shucks you girls turn my head.

  5. Sandee, My, my, my, you make a guy feel manly!

  6. The last, especially the late, honored Maureen.

    PS If Trump wants term limits for the federal bench, I'd say said bench is doing all it can to oblige.

  7. What Adrienne and Sandee said, Curmudgeon said!

  8. At the time the constitution was ratified, the idea of SCOTUS being appointed for life made great sense. Keep politics out of the judicial branch completely. However, since good old Teddy, can I get a ride, Kennedy, ran roughshod over respected jurist Robert Bork, politics has been forced upon the court. Now, I don't know what the answer is, except for the current president to nominate as many judges as he can.

  9. Changes to sex stereotypes and politics have been very discouraging. Efforts to Make America Great Again should be hand in glove with Make American Men Men Again. Too many snotty children running the show.

  10. edutcher, we need a little old fashioned impeachment.

  11. Brig, you girls turn my head. You make me feel hunky.

  12. pigpen51, are there 50 other pigpens? I think impeachment should be the tool of choice.

  13. sig94, spare the rod and spoil the child isn't working.


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