Saturday, November 19, 2016

Welcome Back Odie ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Hi Odie We Missed You, Honey!

 Hi Boys and Babes, I'm out of that hospital and at home
with a cocktail. I'll be on Xeralto for the rest of my life, and
I'll be on oxygen for at least one to two weeks. Thank You so
much for your well wishes. They really meant a lot.

Other  Friends of Odie Rule 5 ers:


  1. It really sucks that you had this happen.
    I keep saying, getting old ain't for sissies.

  2. Glad you're home with a cocktail. That's always a good thing.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. Glad to hear you're following doctor's orders.

    The Blonde helps a lot of people who refuse to and it breaks her heart as they slide downhill.

  4. Dick, it really isn't, but we old bastards can be tough at times.

  5. Sandee, so much better than Dry in the hospital ... LOL.

  6. edutcher, it doesn't make sense to pay these people a fortune and not follow their instructions. It was like when my doctor told me to walk 30 minutes a day then she was surprised when I did it. You should of heard those "That a boys".

  7. Another reason to be Thankful this Thanksgiving! Glad you are ok.

  8. Xeralto? Isn't that the guy who opened Al Capone's vault? Just be thankful for modern medicine, Odie. George Lucas Sr, (father of that Star Wars guy), once told me, "You know what was so great about the old country doctor? It wasn't that he cured you, but he sat there and held your hand while you died!"

    No hand holding for you, Odie! Live long and perspire!

  9. Mr. Mike, You know a lot of famous people. I'm honored to be one of them.

  10. Know you're happy to be home. Isn't Xeralto a blood thinner. I was on it for a short while about 3 years ago---irregular heart beat. They shocked it back into rhythm--still ticking like a swiss watch!

  11. Whoa. The troops look perky, all right. And we're damn glad to see you in the blogging chair today. Have a great weekend, Odie.

  12. Ron, that's a great endorsement for the Swiss.

  13. Good to hear! Hang in there, brother.

  14. Get well soon - we need 'ya out here! Hugs!

  15. R. Kelly Coker, that's my plan. Thank you!

  16. Chickenmom, I feel pretty darn good. I just have to drag this air hose around the house.


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