Thursday, November 10, 2016

It's November 10th and I'm Still In A Cloud

 Created by Duggas 

Thank you my Facebook Trump Fans


  1. Too funny, but I don't need any help to keep a smile on my face these days.

  2. I'm with Cube. You'd have to slap the shit-eatin' grin off my face since Trump was announced as our new Commander-in-Chief. The Cupcake Nation now requires crayons and Play-Doh and therapy dogs to sedate them. The boot of tyranny has finally been lifted from our necks.

    Obama has brought the Democrat Party to the point of crying a torrent of bitter, stinging tears. It feels damned good.

  3. I hope that smart doggie got a rabies shot after licking his rear patoot.


  4. You can't wipe the smile off my face either. I'm a happy gal. I just wish the idiots would get a grip. I also wonder who's paying them.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. Actually Canada won't take them.

    They'll have to move to Mexico.

    Or Cuba.

  6. I am at peace. I am smiling. Life is good again. Thank you, Odie, for seeing us through years of tears with an unending parade of hilarity and good, solid smut.

  7. Curmudgeon, let's help the malcontents to find some sand to hide their heads in.

  8. Sandee, turn on the MSM each night to watch the endless parade of malcontents, or enjoy living.

  9. edutcher, whoohoo! Let's sent them to Mexico.

  10. Trailbee, Ah yes, funny smut, my specialty. Many supplied by your husband.

  11. "good, solid smut." LMAO! Trailbee makes me smile. :) You, too, Odie!

  12. Grunt, smut Woodsterman Style is good fodder for anti-liberal fun.

  13. In the end, Satan will never support those he pulls down into the fiery pits. Hillary is left alone with no excuses.


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