Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Set Your Way-Back Machine Sherman . . . .

~ Something Different ~

This is enthralling...any of us who lived through all these years and have heard this song can finally put together all the inferences.  Pay close attention to the photos, they tell the story...! 

Thanks David


  1. We not only remember, we'll never forget, either.

  2. Chickenmom, It's good to remember, right?

  3. Adrienne, it always hurts when I try to remember. Brain cells say, "We're comfy leave us alone."

  4. That was excellent Odie, excellent. Thank you.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. The meaning was pretty clear, but it was the anthem of the Baby Boomers' finally getting older.

  6. Sandee, I always heard there was all of that stuff in there, but now I know just what that was.

  7. I never got past the 'pie' part. I LOVE pie. And I was a hungry kid. Too hungry to worry about rock lyrics. I thought "Afternoon Delight" was about pie, too.

  8. Not forgetting those days of turmoil, and here we are again...

  9. I always break into the weird al version.


    no one wants me to do karaoke anymore.

  10. The lyrics define a generation.

  11. Brig, it's one age of turmoil after another it seems.

  12. Allen, it's because they all sing like me and know it.

  13. LL, little did we know that generation (ours) would try to ruin this country.


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